This Election is of the Utmost Importance

I don't know about you, but I feel it in the pit of my stomach. It's a since of URGENCY in this election year.
The fact that these last four years have been a struggle for each and everyone of us. Up and including our President Barack Obama....but we must not go back...we must march forward and, continue too make change in this country for the future of our Children ...
I am not put off by the oppression of the Republican Party which stagnated the progress of some of the Presidents policies. Over the last 4 year the lack of cooperation among this countries legislative branch was an atrocity for all Americans.
The lack of regard for what the people need in this country because of the tunneled vision agenda of sacking the President.
It really pulled back the covers on how this political system really works, and the essence of this vendetta against Barack Obama....Racism & Hate....
When understanding the HISTORY of this country you will see the old tactic of pitting the poor or middle class whites against the Blacks has work in the suppression of Black folks as a whole for must understand that he Elite class in this country....have used the poor ,uneducated & the middle & highly educated white folks too spread their message of hate, and division with promises of recognition & prestige amongst their kind...With hopes of reaching that very exclusive unseen mark of acceptance they proceed In the in humane act of Oppression of all minorities...
But I will not loose FAITH in what President Barack symbolizes for me as a Black woman of African decent. He symbolizes HOPE, and that the mark of Supremacy has reached it's end...that my sons & daughter will have an opportunity to make their life's dreams come true on a level playing field.
I have FAITH in my future....that oppression of anyone WILL NO LONGER BE TOLERATED....That True democracy is attainable for everyone in this United States of America regardless of Color, Gender,Religious belief, & Sexual orientation. That's my vision for the Future and a vision that many share from all walks of life and of every color including white. This will not be the time too sit home and just WISH for a better Future, pro-activation is what is need now....FAITH & ACTION are a Powerful combination....get out and VOTE....ELECTION 2012....President Barack Obama...For the Future where HOPE IS NOW REAL....


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