Controlling your own thoughts

     Have you ever thought about your own thoughts? Have you ever stepped back into yourself and examined what goes on in your own head? Well, it's very important for your life and its well-being that you learn to become aware of what you are thinking about all day long.  It has in fact been proven in the scientific world that thoughts in our minds are neverending.  

    The most compelling reason that most folks don't think about their thoughts is mostly tied to our lifestyle. We are so hurried and so busy that we don't give much contemplation to it at all. We have a long list of stuff that is just automatic. Especially habits that we have picked up over time. It's like learning to drive a car. Once we have mastered that skill it becomes just automatic. That's how most of us live our lives.

    I personally had to change my thinking because my thinking was resulting in clear depression and anxiety. My thoughts were drowning me in stagnation. I felt trapped in long tunnels of despair. I knew something had to give. I had long been one who constantly thought about the worst-case scenario of everything that was going on in my life. I would run these thoughts over and over in my mind until I would give myself a true headache. The only way I would stop the thoughts was by any kind of distraction that I could find. I would use work, sex, alcohol, eating, or whatever I could find to physically get me out of my cloudy and dark head. 

    With that came a whole lot of bad and regretful decisions and actions. I was a wreck. I found myself at the bottom of a bottle and in full desperation about my life. Once I got sober, I realized that I was running from a boatload of unaddressed issues. I was in deep gut-wrenching pain. I started to recognize the pattern in my thoughts and they were all negative. This is when I began my search for answers to "Right Thinking". I started to ask myself questions about why my life was in total shambles and what I could do about it. I know deep in my soul that I could find the answers to my questions and try to improve my own situation. One of the first things that I learned about myself is that I was my worst critic. 

    I realized that I beat myself up more than I deserved. If I wanted to get better I had to start there. I had to really get honest with myself and take full responsibility for my own actions. I was getting way too old to keep blaming my mother or my lack of a father for my own shit. I also understood that nobody and no one was coming to save me. To tell the truth, no one had all the answers to my problems but me.  I think that was the best place to start. Once I did that I world started to open up for me, like a flower blooming in the Spring time. Oh my God, what a feeling.

Taking control of your own negative thoughts is Freedom indeed.𓀷𓀇


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