Confusion will cutter the mind

sometimes we as people have a lot of things on our minds and we seem to can't focus...with all of the running around, and things that must get done it seems like our mind is in constant turmoil. if anyone is like me...I will start one thing and can't finish that because my mind is off to something else...and in the end nothing gets done....
I had to find a remedy for this constant start and never finish routine....I started to take the time and slow down for just a minute....I call this the days to unplug....I mean that I really unplug....
I turn off my phone
I turn off my TV
I turn off all things off distraction.....
than I welcome the silence of my home....and close my eyes...and think of all of the things that I need to do....
I think of all of the things that I would like to see and visit
I think of my friends and loved ones
I think of my enemies and hated ones
I think of all the things that bring me joy
I think of all the things that bring me sadness
I look inside and feel what needs to be felt and I deal with them
I think of how I am breathing and how my body feels.....
I calm myself from all of the stimulation of the world and I relax and let go
 this is how I focus my mind on my goals and how to go about achieving what I want.....
trust and believe you can do the same thing....


  1. I just love this blog....she should continue to write more


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