Knowing what you like is the key to Happiness
I have been reading this book call "The Art of Leading Yourself" the author is a Randi Noyes. I find that this book is something that anyone who wants some self improvement may want to read.....
When I get restless I have a tendency to wander through the library trying to find something that will stimulate my mind and also relieve me of my boredom. That when I ran across this 147 page gem of a book....The first thing that intrigued me about this book was of course the title...."The Art of Leading Yourself".....I was hooked right from the start.....It is impossible for me to put down anything that has too do with self improvement.....and to think that someone would even suggest that leading yourself was and art form was really interesting.....
I read the book from cover to cover in a matter of three day....The information that is contained in this book was something that was indeed very interesting and that it gave me some very juicy tid-bits that I could sink my teeth right into....I invoked in me a picture of growth and improvement and it tapped right into my essence of who and what I wanted to become in the future.....
The premise of the book was to discover and understand your EI.....I know, I know you may ask what exactly is your EI....well as I kept on reading I was informed by the author that your EI is referred to as your Emotional Intelligence.....Emotional intelligence you don't say....I know that the concept of your so-called emotional intelligence sounds foreign, and quite frankly is a term that I had never heard of except in this book.....well personally I love to discover something that is off the pathway of current conversation....or something that is not currently as I continued to read I was even more excited that this little treasure was something that everyone across this planet could relate too.....because emotions are something that every human being possess and emotions are quite confusing especially if you don't even understand them.....well this was what I was looking for on this particular day of restlessness....I had found something that I could learn about....It is always exciting to learn something new that is not on the popular radar or mainstream....this concept of Emotional Intelligence was in deed something that would hold my interest.
This book also help me too understand that all emotions are signals to what is really going on within us.....we as human have some type of feelings about everything that is going on in this world and that staying in tuned with how we are feeling at any given moment is a great way to make better decisions in any giving situation....Understanding yourself and getting in touch with what you feel is something very empowering for ones self gives you certain control over your life....and who doesn't want total control over what going on in your life.....I personally love this book and I referrer to it often when it is something that I am not sure about.....especially about thing that I have learned from this book is that negative emotions are necessary to help you to understand when something is out of balance in your life.....the book helps you through a series of exercises in which you learn how to integrate your negative emotions so that you can understand what going on with you and how you can use these signal too benefit you.....
That is what makes this book so important to anyone who wants to understand themselves better and how they relate to this crazy, crazy world in which we live in....another thing that this book brings to the readers attention, is that the key to your own personal happiness lies within the things that we personally like in this world. It helps you to explore your own personal taste.....we are all unique in this world and that we all have different preferences....that is the keys to our happiness and it is the keys to what we want to do in this life...
When I get restless I have a tendency to wander through the library trying to find something that will stimulate my mind and also relieve me of my boredom. That when I ran across this 147 page gem of a book....The first thing that intrigued me about this book was of course the title...."The Art of Leading Yourself".....I was hooked right from the start.....It is impossible for me to put down anything that has too do with self improvement.....and to think that someone would even suggest that leading yourself was and art form was really interesting.....
I read the book from cover to cover in a matter of three day....The information that is contained in this book was something that was indeed very interesting and that it gave me some very juicy tid-bits that I could sink my teeth right into....I invoked in me a picture of growth and improvement and it tapped right into my essence of who and what I wanted to become in the future.....
The premise of the book was to discover and understand your EI.....I know, I know you may ask what exactly is your EI....well as I kept on reading I was informed by the author that your EI is referred to as your Emotional Intelligence.....Emotional intelligence you don't say....I know that the concept of your so-called emotional intelligence sounds foreign, and quite frankly is a term that I had never heard of except in this book.....well personally I love to discover something that is off the pathway of current conversation....or something that is not currently as I continued to read I was even more excited that this little treasure was something that everyone across this planet could relate too.....because emotions are something that every human being possess and emotions are quite confusing especially if you don't even understand them.....well this was what I was looking for on this particular day of restlessness....I had found something that I could learn about....It is always exciting to learn something new that is not on the popular radar or mainstream....this concept of Emotional Intelligence was in deed something that would hold my interest.
This book first had you to understand that your emotions are not something that should be denied....and that all emotions holds the keys that will help you make better decision about your own life.....Well every one that I know whats to make better decision about what they should and should not do.....It is also very helpful to know that all of the answers that we as human have so many question for....can in fact be found within our selves....Especially in these uncertain time that we live in.....That is the one reason for my interest, I was looking for answers about my own life.....and I'm sure most people have questions that they would like answered in their own life....

That is what makes this book so important to anyone who wants to understand themselves better and how they relate to this crazy, crazy world in which we live in....another thing that this book brings to the readers attention, is that the key to your own personal happiness lies within the things that we personally like in this world. It helps you to explore your own personal taste.....we are all unique in this world and that we all have different preferences....that is the keys to our happiness and it is the keys to what we want to do in this life...
We only have this one good life on this plane of existence....we had better make it count....for our selves and our love one.....Emotional Itelligence is a concept that I concidered very important in understand, when it comes to my personal Self will you ever expect to lead anyone if you have no leadership of self.....
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