We have All Been Deceived

When I think about the plight of my people, it makes me wonder. "Will there ever be a relief"? Relief from the constant struggle that we fight with each and every day. The struggle just to identify one's self without judgment or to be ostracized by your own people. It's an everyday struggle to understand the difference in truth and Entertainment. Sometimes I wonder are we really seeking to make real change or are we just satisfied in just complaining and talking about the problems. It is true that as a community we must have a collective agenda. We must have a collective financial strategy. And we must have a Collective Long Term Goal. Our biggest hurdle is unlearning all the false information that has been feed to us for Generation that has not served our forward progress. We must re-capture the minds of our people and implement some strong discipline in our lifestyle as a whole. We must learn to honor what is our and do away with that which is not. We need to put a...