Trayvon must Have Justice

I don't know about You family...but I feel that I have been slapped in the face, punched in the eye, and kicked in the stomach on this I heard the jury find George Zimmerman "Not Guilty"... For the murder of Trayvon Martin... As I sat in stunned dis-belief....I let out a scream of outrage that this was some real life truth and it felt like a nightmare.... How was this man found not guilty for the death of an unarmed 17 yr. old black teenager ....but Michael Vick went to jail for fighting dog...dogs that I might add that has been breed just for fighting in the pit for a very long time in this country. How does that happen?....well it happens because this system was not built to serve Black people in America.... In the back of my mind I knew this would happen...I was hoping that I was being cynical & jaded about the Judicial System in America....that today this country elected its first Black President...that the jury would look beyond racial stereotyp...